The ''IDEAL''

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



---I’d like to speak of the situation Galileo found himself in many years ago and how it resembles the modern day position of many people. He believed the truth that the earth circled the sun instead of the common belief that the sun circled the earth. People in his day believed that the sun circled the earth AND being written that way in the bible…made it easy for folks to accept that falsehood. Frankly, with the limited sight and instruments, it is very easy to understand why many thought that.

---Galileo built a telescope and began to see a larger version of what most had been referring to and was able to see things that were never seen. He saw something in his new vision that contradicted conventional wisdom and the bible (which was seen by many as the literal word of God.) Gaileo was persecuted and punished for stating what he saw. He was called a heretic by the masses who still had a limited vision and believed the conventional wisdom... that the sun circled the earth thinking Galileo was, hence, being wrong. He was called a heretic for holding his beliefs...which were true. He decided not to be a martyr for his cause, as he realized that the truth as he understood it...will come out eventually. A very shrewd move on his part.

---Today, many are in a similar boat that Galileo found himself. There still seem many who hold the belief that making others well somehow doesn't involve making folks well in a holistic manner. They seem more involved with relieving the pain without going to the heart of the matter. There seems a faction of society unconvinced that the negativity of the patient has much to do with the cause of the discomfortWe live in a very pill-oriented society. We seem to want a medication to address every bad attitude. I think that many folks would be happier if they pursued a GROWTH MINDSET instead of remaining in a FIXED MINDSET. They find themselves held in check by others with a FIXED MINDSET. (Much like the blind leading the blind.)

---Psychologist Abraham Maslow said that our only real rival is our own potential. The FIXED MINDSET is NOT concerned with reaching one's own potential. It is mainly concerned with appearing to reach our own potential without giving away the fact that we haven't reached it. We become more concerned with saving face than with actual growth.

---A GROWTH MINDSET is much more concerned with actually growing and (by growing) heads naturally in that direction. The cure comes from teaching the residents to express themselves in a civil, caring manner, not dominating others with fear, and by working together and building a society based on caringness, mutual-respect and togetherness. Be Well.

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